Wagner playing from sheet music

I ask a question that’s been on my mind all day: after the riot, would the Russians have let the rioters go to a more unstable country where they have now planted nuclear weapons? I am, of course, talking about the anti-Putin riot that caused so much excitement among many on Saturday. I am quite sure that it is not. I am quite sure that it was all an act. A big show. The first act is over, Prigozhin is leaving. But am I now right in thinking that the progressive, Euro-apian elite are rooting for Wagner? The Wagner group that even according to wikipedia raped, kidnapped and executed civilians and tortured and executed deserters? But let’s take a closer look at what exactly this Wagner group is.

In December two thousand and twenty-two, John Kirby of the Pentagon claimed that the Wagner group had fifty thousand fighters in Ukraine, including ten thousand mercenaries and forty thousand prisoners. Others put the number of recruited prisoners at more than 20,000 and the number of other mercenaries fighting in Ukraine at 20,000. The European Union and many other countries have in the past imposed sanctions against the group, accusing them of undermining Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, destabilising the situation in Syria and Libya and seriously violating human rights. The latter is alleged to consist of war crimes committed by the group’s fighters in the areas where they have been deployed. These war crimes consisted, of course, of the acts that I have already mentioned a few lines above. Although the group itself was not ideologically driven, it was associated with neo-Nazi and far-right elements.

And I say, all this was done by the European Union, whose great supporters and admirers are now looking to this neo-Nazi group to defeat Putin and thus the evil that has spread throughout the world, and at the same time, obviously, to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. In a similar way to the way in which the once aggressive far-right politician Yenisey was expected to redeem himself a few years ago, but who, of course, became much more consolidated and restrained when he confronted Putin. I would have loved to have seen the faces of these people as they found themselves in a dilemma, trying to decide which ‘Russian’ to root for. Because that was essentially what it was about, that was the big question for them.

All of them objected to what they saw as the public expression of opinions on the war and, fundamentally, the geopolitical situation by people who were not exactly competent, just as they objected to the fact that people who were not exactly competent were trying to solve the big questions in public at the time of the virus and, consequently, the epidemic. Their mockery knew no bounds, that the new experts were instantly transforming themselves from virologists to geopolitical and war experts, and were posting the necessary starter kits on diagrams. They are really witty, by the way. Sometimes they ask, almost in an angry tone, without any humour, what kind of expert on the subject is he? Now, as is well known, politics is politics because it affects everyone, and therefore everyone can have an opinion on political issues, which they can even voice in front of a larger audience (see the English, when they stand up to shout out to happy-unhappy happy-unhappy people their usually not exactly restrained opinions in that particular park). Sure, it can be made into science, just as nowadays pretty much everything is made into science mostly so that it can be taught for money, or because some snob thinks that what they do, or what others do and do in what he thinks is a virtuoso manner, is scientific.

In our brain-sterilized world, you can’t flush a toilet without a basic scientific education. The further back we go, the more we see that those who knew how to do something simply did it. And if he did something wrong, he was not necessarily accused of lacking scientific qualifications, but of lacking knowledge and being a boor in the field, for which he would go into something without proper knowledge, without modesty and without any humility. I am not, of course, calling on everyone to do whatever comes into their heads on a case-by-case basis. God forbid! As I have already said, an appropriate and specialised orientation is essential, but this does not necessarily have to go hand in hand with state-recognised diplomas from institutions which are set up as standard to kill off any natural interest and zest for life in the student body. War is therefore politics. There are also war experts and political scientists as professions, but come on, let’s not joke… Now imagine that anyone starts to do politics and is asked to have a degree in political science. Almost everyone would have their head in the sand in such a world. Anyway, the aim is precisely not to question anything, to leave everything to the experts, while you yourself do your own thing.

If the dentist makes a mistake and drops a tiny metal device down your throat, which, when it gets into your stomach, causes unforeseeable consequences, don’t think about complaining and suing! What are you, a dentist? You are not an expert on the subject! If the bus driver causes an accident through his own fault and cracks your skull, don’t you think about complaining and suing, because you are a bus driver? No? Well! If the architect designs a house in which the ceiling falls on your head, don’t think of complaining and suing, because you are not an architect! Everyone should stick to his own profession. And why did I mention this? Because, for example, the US President is giving the finger of apology that they had nothing to do with the Wagner riots. Well, well, well! But why do you say that? Did someone say they had something to do with it? Well! I remember back then I was quick to explain, deny and deflect when I did something I shouldn’t have done and wanted to make things look good for my parents. A political scientist with a degree would probably say that the US President is telling the truth. But we should just use our common sense and those of us who have it should rely on our good knowledge of human nature. Do we know the human psyche well? Then let us be well informed.



A Klicsko-féle patriotizmus

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Mindent a látszólagos környezetvédelemért

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