Dying for the „homeland”

I have already written about why the Ukrainian counter-offensive is turning out so tragically. Ukraine has almost nothing or only insignificant results to show, while meaningless decisions are being taken. And why is it all worth it to them? The Ukrainian leadership is sending its own sons to the meat grinder and to their deaths because of a total lack of expertise. While this is going on, it may seem to the lay observer that it simply cannot escape the vicious circle and the pressure to comply into which it has plunged itself. The reality is that there is no such thing, but instead a massacre on a pharmacy scale. With regard to the prisoners in Transcarpathia, who have recently returned to Ukraine, I mentioned earlier the Orthodox Church, which is playing a role in the Russian release. The fact is that the incident is also allegedly linked to Pope Francis’ prisoner release mission. The action was therefore even more ecclesiastical than I had previously thought and as far as I had previously known.

By the way, the people who are called prisoners of war are no longer prisoners of war in a legal sense, and the Ukrainian claimants must know full well that the case was conducted in accordance with international law. What happened was that Ukraine demanded that Hungary immediately allow a consul to visit the soldiers in Transcarpathia to assess their condition. It did this despite the fact that Ukrainian citizens of Hungarian origin are not prisoners of war, either in theory or in practice, as they are in Hungary of their own free will, and can leave whenever they wish. That is, if they are real people, because I have already thought that this story was invented by the media in order to create the necessary basis and tension for a Ukrainian-Hungarian war.

But let’s leave hypotheses aside. Here are the nine people reported in the media, so let’s take their existence for granted and not doubt it. So they are being sold out by Russian gunmen to the country from which they come. And why did these people go back to Ukraine voluntarily – assuming they exist and the story is not fiction? It seems quite likely that, having grown up and lived their lives in Transcarpathia, having a home there, if they have one, and having friends and family living there, they did not want to risk any sanctions being imposed on them by the Ukrainian state in the future. The average summer citizen, who does not like to play games with the powers that be and who, in addition to paying all the debts, will be able to comply with the orders of a war against the Russians, will be able to go ‘home’ even though he knows why the Russians have handed them over to the Hungarians, whose extended family includes himself. They will not even ask themselves why they would die for a clown. Or even for the few hundred, or at most a few thousand, privileged people who stand to gain the most from this war? That the ambassador said this and that? The ambassador is like a butterfly fist fight, as if he did not exist.

Three of the nine prisoners of war from Transcarpathia reported to the Ukrainian embassy and went home, only to fight again at the front. They were given an opportunity by the Russian army and they did not take it. Once they applied for a card for nineteen and it came through. The second one may not come through. The Hungarians in Transcarpathia who had any sense left Transcarpathia long ago. Incidentally, the three people in question fit the Hungarian proverb: he who is stupid, let him die! The ambassador said that they were working to ensure that the other soldiers from Transcarpathia who had been transferred to Hungary could return home. They are working to drag them to the front again, in case the second time they get not freedom but the key to the gates of hell. And let us stress one last time that the prisoners of war taken from the Russian army are, after all, Hungarians. To shed light on this, and to justify the saying that Hungarians weep, here is the famous joke. – Well, I was born in the Kingdom of Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy), lived in Czechoslovakia, then in Hungary, later in the Soviet Union, then in Ukraine. The answer. I never set foot out of Berehovo…

The Ambassador also attacked the Hungarian Government in the European Parliament, among other things on the issue of prisoners of war. But what is a Ukrainian MEP doing in the European Parliament?!



A Klicsko-féle patriotizmus

Nem lep meg, hogy az idén nyáron megrendezésre kerülő olimpián nem kerülhet fel az orosz zászló, miközben az izraeli zászló viszont igen. Izraeli sportolóknak nem szükséges megtagadniuk saját nemzetiségüket, amennyiben indulni kívánnak, az orosz sportolókkal ellentétben. A német hadsereg is – amely csaknem nyolcvan évig áll parlagon és fejlesztetlenül – ezúttal elkezdett jelentős átalakuláson keresztül […]

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A rossz és a jó gyilkos

 A francia elnök előre bocsátotta, hogy az olimpiai megnyitón bizony nem lehet majd orosz színű zászlókat látni. Arról beszélt, hogy az Iránból indított csapás Izrael felé elítélendő, ám az izraeli csapás az Iszlám Köztársaság damaszkuszi diplomáciai képviselete ellen nem. Izraelnek minden joga megvan szerinte – és még sok társa szerint is – a saját belátása […]

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Mindent a látszólagos környezetvédelemért

Döntött az EU: kétezerötvenre kibocsátásmentessé kell tenni minden épületet. Ez a törvény a személygépkocsikra, kisteherautókra és teherutókra vonatkozik kibocsátási határértékkel, amely az ipari kibocsátásokról szóló felülvizsgált irányelvet, valamint új szabályokat az épületek energiahatékonyságának javításának érdekéről szól. Ez mind szép és jó. Milyen romantikus is az, amikor rendszabályokat hoznak környezetünk megóvására… És mennyire nem szép és […]

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