The role of natural scientists, the army as a vaccine developer, medical peddling

We have given birth to a huge machine, which we call an economic system, and from then on and from then on this machine rules us, its creators. And it is lied to by the enablers that this must be so, that it is axiomatic, because otherwise our society cannot function. Anyone who does not understand how societies work will take these people at their word. Anyone who ‘understands’, so to speak – that is, has studied it at college or university – has only the illusion of knowledge about it, which is worse than not understanding it. And so, quietly, „blamelessly”, we assist through all the torments that surround us. Because we have been told from above what is cool. It is important to ask the question, do we live to work or do we work to live? Are we for the money or is the money for us? Because I would not want to live in a society one day where, at the average age of 60, everyone is shot in the head by soldiers carrying out orders from above, because let there be no doubt that those orders are the ones that the elite puppets sworn to our public service would most like to give out, because to them we are many. In fact, their main concern is not that there are too many of us, but that we are an ageing society and the statistics show that there are more and more senior citizens for every young person. Obviously, they would like to shoot the over-60s in the head to give the next generation a larger living space and to avoid having to pay for their pensions. This head-shooting thing, by the way, I take in this case to be absolutely figurative. Obviously I cannot mean it in any other way, because today the war-making class, moving with the times, where war is no longer fashionable, is much more rubbish than their predecessors ever were. They need this quality if they are to achieve the same results in some respects as their war-travelling predecessors, and to do so in the guise of the greatest standard-bearer of peace and acceptance. Yes, because, as is well known, the class that defines itself as the liberal elite, which publicly presents its main community activity as philanthropic humanitarian donations, is at the forefront of the acceptance of the rainbow flag as the hallmark of all that exists. How do they typically achieve their goals? By lining up alongside any well-known and highly accomplished individuals in their respective fields that they wish. This is perfectly visible in this artificially generated epidemic situation, just think of the vast majority of science doctors.

Scientists cannot make moral statements based on their results, because that is not their job… their job is to disseminate knowledge. They cannot come to ideological conclusions from the laws of the „objective” world, from dry facts, unless they assume the role of the theologian or philosopher, which theologians and philosophers do at a much higher level. In moral matters, they can only make statements as a private person, and they must draw attention to this in a special way: ladies and gentlemen, here is my special private opinion. Otherwise, there will be an abuse of authority and influence of the masses! If you do that, I, as a good philosopher, will argue with you and will question everything. What are the doctors and scientists in the media doing now? Have they become priests, psychiatrists or doctors of philosophy during the epidemic? Or are they giving private opinions? Physical, biological, virological or surgical science? Have they become doctors of law? Or are they well-paid ideologue-doctors doing the marketing advocacy for the covid generals? Or who or what are they representing? Do they all stumble when someone advocates a different philosophy? It’s not nearly as obvious what the mainstream thinks about life and people. It is time for doctors to respect people’s rights and freedom. Not everyone is born to be a good little soldier, to represent the cause of capitalists and to promote an ideology based on delusions. What many lie about as morality is highly questionable! I would also draw special attention to journalists abusing their power and deforming the balanced human spirit. All these sneaky actions will have serious consequences.

Every human being has a specific goal, the fulfilment of which is often hampered by a system built on the wrong system. Not so long ago, there was a case in Germany where a woman – whose credit and bills were perfectly in order – had a change of heart and took an inherited caravan and went to live in the forest mountains. He left the taps and taps behind, and spent as little money as possible from then on, and visited people as rarely as possible. Even so, of course, he did not come close to the feat of the German woman, his compatriot, which was the very way of life itself – namely, to live without a single euro of money. The woman in question was raided by the authorities, despite the fact that she owed nothing to anyone or anything, and told that she would have to leave her new place of residence. The explanation was something to the effect that no one can break away from the social circle and become self-sufficient at will. It is therefore absolutely right that governments should soon make subsistence farming, animal husbandry and crop production, in which Germany is leading the way, completely impossible. In the end, they would not even find the lady, because a caravan, with which one can settle anywhere in the endless realm of forests and fields, is not the sort of thing one would normally register. They would not even be able to ring her up to get her to sign the declaration she had written, asking her why she refused to take a chemical called a vaccine, which has already killed so many people in the world that in a normal society, such as the one we lived in between nineteen hundred and fifty and two thousand and twenty, not only would it not be made compulsory, but it would be withdrawn from circulation without a second thought, Of course, the institutions – not even the health institutions, necessarily – would no longer be interested if the vaccine caused damage to the uterus, which would result in the need for gynaecological treatment, as a female vaccinated friend of mine, who has not been answering the telephone for some time now, has been doing for many years, or has been doing regularly. Because from January there will be a house tax for elderly people over sixty in Hungary.

GPs should write a report on elderly people who do not ask for vaccination. Doctors will therefore be doing some door-to-door canvassing, during which they will also have to sign a declaration for those who do not vaccinate themselves. According to the circular, not only will GPs have to visit individually those over 60 who have not been vaccinated, but the government office will also expect an itemised account of the door-to-door visits. GPs will be required to report by twelve noon every Friday on how many people over sixty they have visited, how many they have convinced and vaccinated. And those who refuse vaccination are supposed to sign a declaration”. And this is another step towards the TEK and the military kicking down the door to people who want to be vaccinated. Yet, why should anyone have to sign any paper, at all, just because they choose not to take a vaccination? A vaccination that is not a vaccination, around which there are many question marks and around which everything stinks, which the whole Parliament does not of course make compulsory for itself. A chemical called a vaccine that is being developed by the US military. Isn’t that confidence inspiring? A super vaccine being developed by the US military which they claim will be effective against all variants. It’s already been tested on animals, and it’s supposedly worked very well on them. What does the military have to do with medicine? Any vaccine developed by the military – especially the US military – thank you very much, I don’t want it. The army’s field is weapons and how to use them, how to take lives. That has always been the case. Whatever they touch is used as a weapon. Because that’s what they know how to do, that’s what they’re trained to do. I think they will stick to their guns when it comes to vaccine production and not suddenly start acting as doctors and biologists with their military schools. It’s amazing how many people think that, yes, they do… Some people say that there’s no need to worry about it, because the military, as we know, is decades ahead of everyone else in every field. Well, this impressive step up in sophistication is one thing, and what a given innovation would be used for is another. The US military and its noble goals? Mankind and noble goals at all? The atom was so very good and noble for us humans, wasn’t it?

In Britain, they are already one step ahead in creating total terror, where they will also be peddled, but this time not only by doctors, but also by other institutions, and not just the over-60s, but all ages. The reason for this is to prevent a fifth wave. ‘Knock, knock,’ wrote above its own article, wittily and suggestively, stirring up the seeds of fear in human souls, thinking here of the door-to-door harassment that they seem to find very amusing. Whoopsie-daisies have usually turned into camps and mass genocide throughout history, as we all know. But we have not learned the lesson. All I would say to them from here is: shush, shush, dirr-durr.



A Klicsko-féle patriotizmus

Nem lep meg, hogy az idén nyáron megrendezésre kerülő olimpián nem kerülhet fel az orosz zászló, miközben az izraeli zászló viszont igen. Izraeli sportolóknak nem szükséges megtagadniuk saját nemzetiségüket, amennyiben indulni kívánnak, az orosz sportolókkal ellentétben. A német hadsereg is – amely csaknem nyolcvan évig áll parlagon és fejlesztetlenül – ezúttal elkezdett jelentős átalakuláson keresztül […]

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A rossz és a jó gyilkos

 A francia elnök előre bocsátotta, hogy az olimpiai megnyitón bizony nem lehet majd orosz színű zászlókat látni. Arról beszélt, hogy az Iránból indított csapás Izrael felé elítélendő, ám az izraeli csapás az Iszlám Köztársaság damaszkuszi diplomáciai képviselete ellen nem. Izraelnek minden joga megvan szerinte – és még sok társa szerint is – a saját belátása […]

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Mindent a látszólagos környezetvédelemért

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