Global warming, wind blown sphinx

Murder, rape, genocide and terror bombing can only be committed by political opponents of the US against civilians. Everything else is an unfortunate accident. And then there is the one henchman who is so horny that he doesn’t even bother to come up with a story, everyone just turns their heads and pretends not to do anything, or is outright encouraged. Anyone who guessed Azerbaijan or Saudi Arabia is close, but not quite. Yet there is talk of the State of Israel exercising legitimate self-defence. So the Russian government was also exercising legitimate self-defence in Ukraine? Because only the Soviet Russians could starve five million people to death in the name of collectivisation, only the Russians could deport peoples, only the Russians could attack other states and steal territory from them since the Second World War.

So, only Russians can attack small nations… At least that’s the rumour. We can see today how only Russians can do such things. There is no place for centrism in genocides. I don’t recall anyone excusing the Chinese state with the argument that there are ujgor terrorists! Am I the blind faithful one, then, and not the one who, after killing twelve thousand civilians, including six thousand children, can only talk about the wretched Hamas? But of course, again, think of Israel slaughtering another family out of thin air.

Blind faith is the result of this rampant human stupidity. In a world where science with a capital „A” concludes that the sphinx must have been blown together by the wind, we should not really be surprised at the atrocities of the State of Israel. And let us really not be surprised at the contempt for them. Most of the information that has come out of Israel so far has been nutella smashed on the ground, while I have just seen the bodies of seven Palestinians buried alive by Israel’s bombing.

And all this is happening while all the infrastructure in Gaza is in ruins, with constant Internet and power cuts, and the Western media on their knees begging the Israeli creative team to come up with something a bit more sellable than forty decapitated babies. The State of Israel, by the way, is graciously releasing Palestinian children from captivity. How generous of them! And the saddest thing is that no one will ask them why they are allowed to imprison children.



A kereszt, szolipszizmus

Egy írás nem olyan régen arról számolt be, hogy hogy a kereszt, mint a kereszténység fő szimbóluma és jelképe, energiákat blokkoló entitás. Blokkolja a szeretet és szubsztanciájukat tekintve pozitív energia áramlásokat. Ezért hát a kereszt ezen interpretáció szerint, valamint azért, hogy minden ember vegye tudomásul, neki szenvednie kell ebben az életben. Hiszen így is szól […]

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Láncaink elkobzása

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Mindenkori tortúrák, a szellem és palackja

A mainstream hírekben azt állították a napokban, hogy valójában egyáltalán nem is volt betöltve a múzeumokban mutogatott kínzóeszközök funkciója. Hogy a valóságban ezek az eszközök mindössze csak dísznek, múzeumok részére szolgáltak mindig is. Mintha csak mentegetni akarná a saját fajtáját a zsurnaliszta. Mármint azt a fajtát – ha szabad így fogalmaznom – amely fajta pár […]

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