Self-proclaimed psychologist influencers and opera singers

Many people have no idea how men’s emotional mechanisms work. In the wake of last week’s murder – when a thirty-five-year-old man killed his girlfriend out of fear of love – all the self-proclaimed influencer geese on the internet started getting smart. Almost without exception, all of these geese have boyfriends, but they have never once sat down with them for an honest, intimate conversation. News of the day: Robi killed Petra. So it’s such a sensation that self-styled influencers are writing pseudo-scientific short stories on the subject, which of course end with Robi being a sick animal. Of course, it doesn’t even matter that the person who writes all this didn’t even know the person. Natália Bálint – about whom I have written before, presenting her as a not exactly positive public figure – took the trouble to write a pseudo-scientific short story about the incident, which ended up as a conclusion that such men are Putin and Orbán tyrants who do essentially exactly the same as the two politicians mentioned, and that men in general have a deep and permanent tendency to do such things. In other words, all men are potential killers who want to possess at all costs.

The artist is therefore essentially a victim, a person who has accumulated serious grievances from her past life and is a man-hater as a result. Who nevertheless claims to be conservative. And, yes, I know quite specifically from her that she has been in a verbally abusive relationship, in which she is psychologically crippled, as she has given an account of this history in an older piece of writing. It is not difficult to put together the picture of her: she has psychological problems, essentially dragging her own life, her individual problems, onto a murder case and then the political case she has made of it. After all, our opera singer in a bubble has such an ego that she derives the whole world, indeed the whole universe, from her own fate and character. She is extreme and infantile on the other hand. Jealousy, even in its morbid manifestations, is not a conscious choice. It doesn’t work like, well, I’m going to be sick with jealousy and make everyone’s life hell around me.

Everybody who becomes like that is made like that by something. Or rather someone. Mostly a former partner. It’s not impossible that the victim himself provokes his partner to the end. Ninety-nine percent of women can’t break up. Not at all. That is why ninety-nine percent of love murders are always committed by men, not women. Isn’t that interesting?

Women are usually not interested in what the partner they „loved” is going through, whether or not they can cope with the fact that they no longer need him or her. And yes, there is a stage when it seems a perfectly normal decision to kill the ex-partner. The formula is simple: the man is experiencing unbearable levels of pain. The knowledge that the one he loves – in whatever way – is no longer his, or even someone else’s, causes pain of such incomprehensible weight that the only „logical” decision seems to be to eliminate the „factor” that is fuelling his pain. Not for nothing, in the penal code, fear of love is a mitigating circumstance. In such a case, the individual is in an altered state of consciousness, seeing the world irrationally. In other words, he cannot help it. So, before the opera singers who fancy themselves psychologists berate all kinds of psychopaths who they only know from the news and have never spoken a word to, they should sit down with their partner and ask him or her how he or she is. We have had enough of smart-arse geese who copy their values and emotions from entities of the calibre of Peter Hajdú and Majka.



A kereszt, szolipszizmus

Egy írás nem olyan régen arról számolt be, hogy hogy a kereszt, mint a kereszténység fő szimbóluma és jelképe, energiákat blokkoló entitás. Blokkolja a szeretet és szubsztanciájukat tekintve pozitív energia áramlásokat. Ezért hát a kereszt ezen interpretáció szerint, valamint azért, hogy minden ember vegye tudomásul, neki szenvednie kell ebben az életben. Hiszen így is szól […]

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Láncaink elkobzása

Néhány szót én is hozzá szólnék a telefonelkobzásokhoz. A régi időkben sem lehetett drogot és pornót behurcolni az iskolákba, vagyis lényegében semmi sem változott. Lehet szidni a mobiltelefonok kitiltására vonatkozó törvényt, de meg lehet közelíteni ezt a kérdést mondjuk egy kicsit gyakorlatiasabban is. Például gondoljunk csak arra, elég szomorú, hogy a mobiltelefonok használata, az idegrendszerre […]

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Mindenkori tortúrák, a szellem és palackja

A mainstream hírekben azt állították a napokban, hogy valójában egyáltalán nem is volt betöltve a múzeumokban mutogatott kínzóeszközök funkciója. Hogy a valóságban ezek az eszközök mindössze csak dísznek, múzeumok részére szolgáltak mindig is. Mintha csak mentegetni akarná a saját fajtáját a zsurnaliszta. Mármint azt a fajtát – ha szabad így fogalmaznom – amely fajta pár […]

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